Recruiters faces lots of resumes every day. Research shows that in average HR managers spends only 35 seconds on each resume. Therefore, a compact resume can help the recruiters to capture your career highlights and attract their attentions.
Experienced HR managers have keen senses to inauthentic information in the resumes. It is not wise to try to muddle through with fabricated or exaggerated contents. Deficient career experience doesn`t kill.
The role of a resume is to let the recruiter to depict a career picture of you as much as possible. So, provide the basic elements in the resume is essential, which are: name, age, gender, home and work address, education and qualifications
You can use the same copy of resume for all the jobs you applied, and most applicants do so. That`s also why most applicants don`t get a chance to the interview round.
Make sure your name, address, mobile number, and e-mail are correct.
Reverse the chronological of your education, including the school name, major, and degrees; List the name of the papers you have published at school and work.
The Self-Assessments express your core competences for the position you aim for. Summarize your work experience, skills, competitive advantages and specific technical characteristics, awards and so on. Always list your most presentable stuff in the front lines.
List your jobs in a reverse chronological order;
Include company name, city, province, company overview, time period of work, title, job responsibilities and major achievements;
According to the skills that you can convert, describe your past work experience;
Each item of descriptive text begins with verbs (such as manage, obtain, in charge of, etc.);
Ensure consistency of your work experience and your job objective.
If you show up 10 minutes or earlier before the interview, this may indicate you are an idle guy. If you are unfortunately late, apologize sincerely.
Do not shake stiffly or feebly. If you are let in, the interviewer may want to observe you from the behind.
Highlight your professional advantages, achievements and practical abilities rather than exaggerate or fabricate anything. Experienced recruiters can see through tricks easily.
The interview is for efficient communications. Pointless talk can only make the interviewers impatient.
Cocaine in coffee can increase your heartbeat and tension and sometimes brings bad breath, try gum instead.
The interviewers already have a first impression on you when you take a seat. If their gazes make you nervous, look at their eyebrows or noses and calm down on your face, nothing to panic.
Doing this may make the recruiters believe that you need a job badly. Normally you won`t be hired or will receive an offer with unsatisfied conditions.
Express your motivations of the job at the goodbye-handshake and tell the interviewer you expect a quick feedback from them.